
Hamii Kares comes with 7-LAYER PROTECTION in a high quality premium A- Grade ADL Pad. It Covers

  1. Top Sheet: It has direct contact with the skin and is designed to be soft and comfortable.
  2. ADL: A sub-layer ADL is positioned between the top sheet and the absorbent core for quick absorption and distribution of menstrual fluid throughout the pad.
  3. Absorbent Core: Responsible for absorbing and retaining menstrual fluid.
  4. Backing / Bottom Layer: Waterproof layer to prevent leakage.
  5. Non- Commercial Adhesive: To keep the pad securely attached to underwear.
  6. Flaps as Wings: To fold over the sides of underwear to provide extra protection against leaks.
  7. Breathable Materials: Designed to be soft and breathable, ensuring comfort for users’ skin.
  8. Dryness Sensation: ADL provides a sense of dryness to the skin, creating additional separation between the wet pad and the skin.

In summary, ADL in sanitary napkins plays a crucial role in reducing potential leakage and enhancing the overall performance of the product.